This guide aims to provide instructions on how to synchronise files from a SharePoint site to your personal device. It is important to note that in order to access or synchronise files from the SharePoint site, you must first have the necessary access permissions for that specific site.

Accessing SharePoint:

  • Go to your organisation’s SharePoint. The link should look something like this:
  • Once the page loads, you will see a list of all SharePoint you have been granted access to at the top of the page.

  • Choose the SharePoint site that you want to ‘Sync’ in your device.
  • A new page will load.
  • On the left side of the page you will have different options to click on. Click on ‘Documents’.

  • The page will reload, and you will see a list of files and folder that belongs to that specific SharePoint site.
  • Click on ‘Sync’.

  • This will start synchronising the files and folders in your device.
  • Once the synchronisation is done you will be able to see the files on your device.

Accessing Synchronised Files and Folders:

  • Open the File Explorer (Windows users).

  • On the left side, you will see the SharePoint files and folder. It will show up under your organisation's name and inside you will have a folder with the name of the SharePoint site you just synchronised.

  • NOTE: In the screenshot above, I synchronised the documents under the ‘Engineers’ SharePoint site, thus, you can see the company name and below a folder with the name of the SharePoint site I synchronised.